What is THIN?

Thoughts | Habits | Intuition | Nutrition

The word “thin” can mean many things to many people. It can mean anything you would like it to mean for you.

The term “thin” is the weight at which you feel energetic, lean, and healthy. A weight where you can be reasonably active without feeling out of breath or overly tired.

The weight where your blood work is reasonable for your age and medical conditions when you go for your annual wellness exam. You look good in the mirror, and when you feel you have the clothing choices you want. That is thin.

Thin is not a predetermined number on the scale set by someone else, a clothing size, or a comparison to other people.

Thin is when you are in the “healthy zone” for yourself.

At Healthy Endeavors, we define THIN with several words.

Thoughts, mindset, and attitude toward food can drive your behaviors. A mindset toward self-empowerment, healthy decision-making and flexibility are crucial to success. There need to be allowances for living your life, enjoying yourself, and forgiving when you give into less healthy habits.

Habits you currently have or create will lead to weight gain or weight loss and maintenance. Adjusting (not eliminating or removing) one habit at a time helps you make small steps in the desired direction without leaving you deprived.

Intuition, use your innate skills and knowledge to guide how your interact with food and a healthy lifestyle. If you build your weight loss and weight maintenance program around your natural tendencies, you will be more likely to stick to your goals and find success for a lifetime.

Nutrition is the most significant factor in managing your weight and health and exploring where you can make adjustments that don’t feel like a sacrifice, and tweaking your current consumption will get you closer and closer to where you ultimately want to be.

At Healthy Endeavors, we define THIN with several words.

Thoughts, mindset, and attitude toward food can drive your behaviors. A mindset toward self-empowerment, healthy decision-making and flexibility are crucial to success. There need to be allowances for living your life, enjoying yourself, and forgiving when you give into less healthy habits.

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